The Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum (NIABF) brings together a range of statutory and voluntary sector organisations from across Northern Ireland, all acting together to end the bullying of children and young people in our schools and in our communities.
NIABF was formed by Save the Children, at the request of the Department of Education, in August 2004 and formally launched in November 2005. NIABF is currently managed by the National Children’s Bureau (NCB).
Our Mission
The Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum (NIABF) is working towards a society where children and young people can live free and feel safe from bullying.
Our Vision
A society where:
- bullying is unacceptable and every child and young person is safe and feels safe from bullying.
- every child and young person’s diversity is celebrated
- a preventative, responsive and restorative anti-bullying ethos is developed
- the views and contribution of children and young people are actively sought, respected and taken into account
- everyone understands they have a role to play in taking a stand against bullying
The Outcomes We Work Towards
Outcome 1
Schools and other settings have effective anti-bullying policies which include appropriate preventative and responsive strategies to address bullying behaviour.
Outcome 2
Parents, carers, teachers and other practitioners working with children and young people have the skills and knowledge to address bullying behaviour and its impact effectively.
Outcome 3
Children and young people are empowered to become valued participants in anti-bullying policy and practice.
Outcome 4
The Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum is well governed and proactively informed by evidence of need.
For more information, view the NIABF Strategic Plan 2017-2020
For the NIABF Terms of Reference email info@niabf.org.uk.
Please note that while we recognise that bullying behaviour occurs in many aspects of life, affecting adults as well as children, the remit of NIABF extends only to the bullying of children and young people.