Currently, the following organisations are Members of NIABF:
- Autism NI
- Barnardo’s
- C2K
- Cara-Friend
- Children’s Law Centre
- Community Relations in Schools
- Education Authority
- Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
- The Fostering Network
- Mencap
- National Children’s Bureau
- Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education
- NSPCC / ChildLine
- Parenting NI
- Sport NI
- Stranmillis University College (Representing Initial Teacher Trainers)
The Department of Education and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) are observers of the Forum.
Membership of the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum is open to regional organisations whose work relates to children and young people and who have a particular interest or expertise in bullying. Applications for membership should be made, in writing on headed notepaper, to the Chair through the secretariat. Applications should confirm organisation, position of nominated person, agreement and commitment to NIABF’s Strategic Outcomes. Membership applications are only considered at the next available NIABF quarterly meeting.
The NIABF Office Bearers
Chair – Charlene Brooks, Parenting NI
Vice-Chair - Donna Kernaghan, Stats and Stories
The NIABF Team
Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator - Aoife Nic Colaim
Project Assistant - Luke Evason-Browning
NIABF is currently hosted by the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) NI, represented by Celine McStravick.