NIABF Parent / Carer Toolkit

Parents can feel a range of emotions when they discover their child is being bullied. While initial feelings may include isolation, anger, sadness and guilt, it is important for you to remember there is a way forward. This guide contains information about spotting the signs of bullying, the action you can take, your child’s rights, […]

What is Cyber Bullying? (NIABF, 2016)

The Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum defines bullying as the repeated use of power by one or more persons intentionally to harm, hurt or adversely affect the rights or needs of another or others. Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place through the use of technology, such as mobile phones and the internet.

‘Sexting’ and the Law

‘Sexting’ is when someone sends or receives a sexually explicit text, image or video on their mobile phone, computer or tablet. It can include sexual chat or requests for pictures/images of a sexual nature. While sexting is not necessarily bullying, it can sometimes lead to bullying. This leaflet, developed by the Police Service Northern Ireland […]

Real Friends are Caring and Fun

What makes a real friend? This leaflet helps adults to talk about friendship, exploring how a good friend behaves and makes us feel. Designed specifically for children and young people with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs, this leaflet can help teach children how to recognise “false-friendships”.

End Homophobic Bullying

Homophobic bullying is when someone is called names, teased, excluded or hurt because they are lesbian, gay or bisexual, or because others think they are. Homophobic bullying is wrong and it must be stopped.