What is Cyber Bullying? (NIABF, 2016)

The Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum defines bullying as the repeated use of power by one or more persons intentionally to harm, hurt or adversely affect the rights or needs of another or others. Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place through the use of technology, such as mobile phones and the internet.

Banter or Bullying? - Activity

This workshop focuses on the concept of intention in a bullying situation, exploring the difference between ‘bullying’ and ‘banter’, both in the physical world and online cyber bullying. Designed for Anti-Bullying Week 2015. Suitable for KS3 - KS4+.

Walk Away - Activity

Using role play, based on a song (a winning entry in NIABF’s ABW14 competition), this activity discusses the roles in a bullying situation and their individual feelings. Designed for Anti-Bullying Week 2015. Suitable for KS3 - KS4+.