To download a resource from the list below, simply click the title (highlighted in pink) and save to your computer.
Anti-Bullying Week 2021 - One Kind Word
Activity | Key Stage | Description |
Activity 1 – The Importance of Being Kind
Gaeilge - Tábhacht an Chineáltais |
Foundation / Key Stage 1 | An activity-based lesson plan using Julia Donaldson’s ‘Tyrannosaurus Drip’ to explore the importance of kindness, actions and words. |
Activity 2 – Saying ‘NO!’ to Prejudice
Gaeilge - Na ‘Sneetches’ |
Foundation / Key Stage 1 | An activity-based lesson plan using Dr. Suess’ book ‘The Sneetches’ in understanding ‘prejudices’. |
Activity 3 – Kindness is All Around
Gaeilge - Tá an Cineáltas Thart Timpeall Orainn |
Key Stage 2 | An activity-based lesson plan on the importance of kindness in everyday life. |
Activity 4 – The Weight of Your Words
Gaeilge - Focail Beag Cinéalta & Lámh Chuidithe |
Key Stage 2 & 3 | An activity-based lesson on understanding the impact that words can have on others and how to use words to positively impact others. |
Activity 5 – Choose Kindness – ABW21 Assembly
Gaeilge - Tionól Frith-bhulaíochta |
Key Stage 2 & 3+ | An Assembly PowerPoint presentation/lesson on developing awareness and consideration in our words and actions. |
Activity 6 – Kindness Can Make a Difference
Gaeilge - Déanann an Cineáltas Difear |
Key Stage 3+ | A lesson plan on exploring the meaning of ‘One Kind Word’ and how kindness can be used to tackle bullying. |
Anti-Bullying Week 2019 - Change Starts With Us
Activity | Key Stage | Description |
Activity 1 - Friendly Fred | FS/KS1 | In this activity, young people will discuss in a group setting how to be friendly to everyone, and form ideas about self-awareness and relationships with others. |
Activity 2 - Branches of Kindness | F-KS2 | This activity will help young people to recognise that words and actions have an impact and how you treat others matters. |
Activity 3 Ice-Cream Kindness | KS 1-2 | This activity will help young people to appreciate differences in the classroom, recognise the need to make changes to their attitudes, make changes to their attitudes about differences. |
Activity 4 - Change It Up | KS2 | This activity will help young people learn how to respond to a range of bullying situations, understand how to be an effective bystander to bullying, and work collaboratively. |
Activity 5 - The RIGHT Change | KS2 - 3 | This activity will help young people to develop an awareness and understanding of the UNCRC (1989), recognise our right to be safe from harm and explore who can support our rights. |
Activity 6- Changing our Outlook | KS2 - 3 | This drama activity will help young people to understand how to change our outlook towards bullying. |
Activity 7 - Proud or Boastful | KS3 | Young people will explore differences between being proud of our achievements and boasting about our successes to make others feel bad |
Activity 8 - My Ball | KS3 – KS4 | This is a comprehension type resource which will help young people to explore the effects of bullying and gain an understanding of feelings associated. |
Activity 9 - Change for All | KS3 - KS4 | In this activity, young people will explore the differences between themselves and more widely in our society, and challenge their views of differences and inclusion. |
Activity 10 The RIGHT Change 2 | KS4 | This activity will help older children in developing an awareness and understanding of the UNCRC (1989), and to recognise our right to be safe from harm. |
Primary School Assembly Presentation - Introduction to ABW
Primary School Assembly Plan - Introduction to ABW
Secondary School Assembly Presentation - Introduction to ABW
Secondary School Assembly Plan - Introduction to ABW
Anti-Bullying Week 2018 - RESPECT
Presentations | Key Stage | Description |
Presentation 1 - Three Bullying Goats Gruff | F – KS1 | Story presentation for young children, exploring friendship and friendly behaviour |
1 - Na Maistíní Meannáin | F - KS2 | Presentation 1 in Irish |
Presentation 2- Introduction to ABW18 (F-KS2) | F - KS2 | Power Point presentation to introduce ABW18 among primary school aged children. |
Presentation 3 - Time to Act | KS1 - KS2 | PowerPoint exploring ABW18 and responses to bullying through RESPECT. |
Presentation 4 - Introduction to ABW18 KS3+ | KS3 – KS4+ | Power Point presentation to introduce ABW18 among post-primary school aged young people. |
Presentation 5 - My Story (ABW18 Posters) | KS3 – KS4+ | Scripted monologues exploring bullying situations illustrated in the ABW18 posters. |
Activities | Key Stage | Activity Description |
Activity 1 - Everyone is Different, Everyone Deserves Respect | F - KS1 | Story based activity on theme of individuality and RESPECT. |
Activity 2 - Barney Teaches Respect | F – KS1 | Activity based on clip of a song from the TV show ‘ Barney’, exploring the meaning of RESPECT. |
Activity 3 - Respect is All Around | F – KS2 | Presentation and activities to encourage children to think about how RESPECT is displayed. |
Activity 4 - Celebrating our Skills | KS1 – KS2 | Activity celebrating individual talents, using trailer for Monsters University movie at stimulus. (FIXED) |
Activity 5 - Time to Act | KS1 – KS2 | Scenario based activity encouraging RESPECT for yourself, RESPECT for the environment and RESPECT for others. |
Activity 6 - Golden Rules of Respect | KS1 – KS2 | Based on clips from the movie ‘Matilda’, this activity explore how we show RESPECT to others. |
Activity 7 - How Respect Grows | KS2 | Two-part activity exploring how we build relationships on RESPECT. |
Activity 8 - What do you do | KS2 – KS3 | Scenario based activity exploring respectful responses to bullying situations. |
Gníomhaíocht 8 - Ceardlann ar an Mheas | KS2 – KS3 | Activity 8 in Irish. |
Activity 9 - ‘Why are you doing this to me’ (Time to Stand) | KS2 – KS3 | Film based activity exploring a scenario of disrespect and racial bullying. |
Activity 10 - Principles of Respect | KS3 – KS4 | Project based activity challenging young people to explore how respectful behaviour can create a safer environment online. |
Activity 11 - ‘It’s just so different round here’ (Time to Stand) | KS4+ | Using the film from Activity 9 as a stimulus, young people are challenged to develop a public awareness campaign around bullying, harassment and hate crimes. Informed by latest PSNI statistics. |
Gníomhaíocht 11 - Tá sé chomh difriúil thart faoin áit seo -Seasaimis! | KS4+ | Activity 11 in Irish. |
Activity 12 - I Needed to Learn I Needed to Listen | KS4+ | This activity uses a TED Talk by controversial figure Megan Phelps-Roper to generate discussion around the balance between freedom of speech and the need to show respectful behaviour, particularly online. |
ABW18 Posters
Printed copies of the posters have been sent to all registered schools and organisations.
Follow the links below to download the posters, which you can print or display on digital screens. Both English and Irish language versions are available, and posters can be downloaded in PDF and JPEG formats.
Posters (English) - English JPEG English PDF
Posters (Irish) - Irish JPEG Irish PDF
You can download the full set of posters here - ABW18 Posters
Anti-Bullying Week 2017 - All Equal, All Different, All Together
Activity | Age Range | Notes |
Assembly Presentation KS 1 & 2 | KS 2 | PowerPoint assembly presentation and presenter notes to introduce the themes of ABW17 |
Assembly Presentation KS 3 & 4 | KS 3 & 4 | PowerPoint assembly presentation and presenter notes to introduce the themes of ABW17 |
ABW17 Letter to Parents/Carers (Schools) | All | Introducing ABW17 |
ABW17 Letter to Parents/Carers (Youth Groups) | All | Introducing ABW17 |
Lesson Plans | Age Range | Notes |
Affirmation Activity | All | This lesson explores how words and actions can make other people feel and what affirmation looks and feels like. |
Rainbow Fish | Foundation | This lesson explores understanding and identifying the benefits of sharing. |
I am a masterpiece | KS1 | This lesson explores how children can develop an understanding and appreciation of the differences between themselves and others. |
Same only Different | KS1 | This lesson explores how children can develop awareness of diversity, identify individual similarities and differences and promote positive relationships, through partner work. |
Friendship Garden | KS1 & KS2 | This active lesson aims to develop each child’s awareness of diversity and promote positive relationships, through partner work. |
Can you carry this? | KS2 | This lesson explores how children can recognise and identify bullying behaviours, understand how they can help others who are being bullied and recognise the impact that small actions can have on another person. |
Sammy’s Shoes in Irish | KS1 & KS2 | This lesson explores how children can develop a greater understanding of what makes a good friend and increase their acceptance and awareness of difference specifically of autistic behaviour. |
Disablist Bullying | KS3 & KS4 | This lesson explores what disablist bullying is, who is affected, where, when and why as well as classroom strategies to combat disablist bullying. |
Together we Will | KS3 & KS4 | This lesson explores the term and features of bullying, understanding the role of the bystander and evaluating responses to bullying behaviours. |
Writing to Local Media | All | This activity encourages young people to find out about their anti-bullying policies and to share what young people and their school are doing about addressing bullying. |
Parents, Carers & Teachers
Activity | Age Range | Notes |
Top Ten Facts for children to tell their Parents & Carers about Bullying. |
All | This Top Ten Facts resource can be used in school to learn more about the issue of bullying, encourage conversations about this issue and can also be sent home as ‘homework’ for children & young people to discuss the facts about bullying with their parents/carers. |
What we do about bullying | All | NIABF recommend this flyer is personalised then sent home to parents/carers for their information and can also be uploaded to your school/youth group website & social media sites. |
Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum Parent/Carer Toolkit, 2017 | Parents/carers | A useful toolkit aimed at providing parents and carers more information and advice about dealing with the issue of bullying. |
Top Tips: Teachers & school staff | Teachers & school staff | Tips on how to deal with bullying |
Top Tips: Parents/carers | Parents & carers | Tips on how to deal with bullying |
Top Tips: Children & young people | Children & young people | Tips on how to deal with bullying |
ABW 17 Posters
Primary School Age Posters (English) - JPEG PDF
Primary School Age Posters (Irish) - JPEG PDF
Post-Primary Age Posters (English) - JPEG PDF
Post-Primary Age Posters (Irish) - JPEG PDF
Anti-Bullying Week 2016 - Together We Are Stronger
All about me | KS 1 | Introduction to bullying - a circle based activity to consider differences and the value that diversity brings |
Assembly Presentation KS 2 |
KS 2 | Power point assembly presentation and presenter notes to introduce the themes of ABW16 |
Assembly Presentation KS 3 & 4 |
KS 3 & 4 | Power point assembly presentation and presenter notes to introduce the themes of ABW16 |
ABW16 Letter to Parents/Carers (Schools) | All | Introducing ABW16 |
ABW16 Letter to Parents/Carers (Youth Groups) | All | Introducing ABW16 |
You’ve got a friend in me | KS 1 | Activity to help with understanding the difference between good and bad behaviour in friendships and how a friend may feel if they are being bullied. |
Bullying Never Wins | KS1 & 2 | Activity for children to learn to recognise how bullying can negatively impact others and be able to express their thoughts and feelings in a creative way. Helpful ways to recognise that bullying is wrong and they can stop it occurring. |
Sammy’s shoes | KS 1 & 2 | The resource is made up of a big book called Sammy’s Shoes which illustrates how children are bullied because of their special or additional needs and three related activities. The big book is about Sammy who is bullied because of his autism, it asks questions about bullying behaviour and puts children in the shoes of someone who is being bullied. |
Partner Portraits | KS 1 & 2 | Art & Design activity to recognise, in a positive way, physical and emotional attributes of their partner & help understand diversity within the classroom. |
Friendship Fish | KS 1 & 2 | Activity to help children understand how their words and actions affect others, about the qualities and attributes of a good friend and to help them think about ways to support others around them and why it is important to do this. |
Standing up to Hurtful and Bullying Behaviour | KS 2 & 3 | Activities to discuss common ways people can show their feelings through hurtful behaviour rather than relying on hurtful or unspoken behaviours. |
The Uprising Project | KS 3 & 4 | Activity to help discussions that children’s peers have differences and empathising with others who have experienced discrimination. |
How To Write To Local Media | All | To help raise awareness of ABW16 we would encourage young people to write to their local media about what they, and their school or group are doing about bullying. This resource is a draft press release for you to personalise. |
Affirmation Activity | KS 1-4 | Activity - Class/ Form Group Challenge for Anti-Bullying Week |
Top Ten Facts for children to tell their Parents & Carers about Bullying. | All | This Top Ten Facts resource can be used in school to learn more about the issue of bullying, encourage conversations about this issue and can also be sent home as ‘homework’ for children & young people to discuss the facts about bullying with their parents/carers. |
Top Tips: Children & young people | Children & young people | Tips about how to deal with bullying |
Parents, Carers & Teachers
Top Ten Facts for children to tell their Parents & Carers about Bullying. | All | This Top Ten Facts resource can be used in school to learn more about the issue of bullying, encourage conversations about this issue and can also be sent home as ‘homework’ for children & young people to discuss the facts about bullying with their parents/carers. |
What we do about bullying | All | NIABF recommend this flyer is personalised then sent home to parents/carers for their information and can also be uploaded to your school/youth group website & social media sites. |
Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum Parent/Carer Toolkit, 2016 | Parents/carers | A useful toolkit aimed at providing parents and carers more information and advice about dealing with the issue of bullying. |
Top Tips: Teachers & school staff | Teachers & school staff | Tips about how to deal with bullying |
ABW 16 Posters
Primary School Age Posters (English) - JPEG PDF
Primary School Age Posters (Irish) - JPEG PDF
Post-Primary Age Posters (English) - JPEG PDF
Post-Primary Age Posters (Irish) - JPEG PDF
If you have any difficulties, please contact Regional Anti-Bullying Coordinator, on 028 9087 5006