Kirstie McMurrary drops in to make her pledge with Lee Kane, Regional Anti-Bullying Coordinator
This week is Anti-Bullying Week (ABW14) and we’re asking everyone to take a few moments to think about what they can do to help end bullying in our schools and in our communities.
The theme for ABW14 is “Together We Will Make a Difference – END BULLYING NOW!” and we want you to join us and make a difference in the life of a child or young person you know.
Perhaps you will commit to speaking up if you hear disablist, racist, sectarian, homophobic or transphobic language being used. Maybe you will pledge to always report abuse you witness on a social network website. Will you make sure your friends know they can talk to you if they are worried about bullying?
There are many ways that together we can take a stand against bullying. Will you pledge to play your part?
Click the link to download your own Pledge Sheet. Simply print it off (or if you don’t have a printer, just use a blank piece of paper) and write your pledge in the space provided. When you’ve made your pledge, sign it to show that you are committing to taking a stand. Take a photo of yourself holding your pledge (or just of your pledge if you would prefer) and share the photo on social media. If you’re on Twitter you can tweet us @niabf using #ABW14.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on Twitter as we’ll be tweeting some of the other pledges people have made during the week. Like Kirstie McMurray (pictured above with Lee Kane, Regional Anti-Bullying Coordinaotr) from Downtown Radio who called in to make her pledge last week.